Saturday, November 27, 2010

More Curves......

It seems I can not help myself! For me, that is a good thing. It is what makes me my most creative.

This is a work in progress. She has been named "Chanteuse". She is delicious and I have seen her on several different shaped heads and everyone of them can pull it off.

These are freeform sculptures. Not sure if she is done yet, but she does feel 'done' (except for final shaping/cutting/combs, etc.). Maybe it is the color or the curves, but I really can't imagine anything else on her. Your suggestions? veil? feather pin?


  1. I've just found your work, bouncing around Ravelry. Really stunning. I love that you use quite different styles and materials. Obviously you have some favorite shapes but still, so much variety. I wish I had the personality to carry off wearing one of your hats. I especially love this one, the color, the simplicity, the curves, the name. Beautiful.

  2. Thank you Cindy for your kind words! I have hopes of working in some summer weight projects for this upcoming season. Off to go visit your blog.
