Thursday, July 17, 2008

I love that man o' mine...

       The birthday was nice.... nice that i woke up... nice that i can still feed myself, nice that i dont dribble.... but what made it extra nice was the lovely flowers received from the work peeps and the starbuck card....and then to arrive home where there was a beautiful vase of sunflowers and a very special card and gift.  Here is the card that my husband ( ) did (ink and watercolours).... he is so incredible talented and he loves me.... that is the very best gift.....(and i love him muchly :) 


He had gone through my favorites on Etsy and found this artist  --> April Kawaoka (  She is the designer and maker of my lovely new birthday ring :)


  1. That card is BEAUTIFUL!

  2. It was mine on 19th. yesterday! My husband had been reading the book revies in Embroidery mag and bought me the best felt book ever!
    Isn't the etsy thing cute?

  3. Happy Birthday Hon. Your husband did a great job for you.

  4. He's a keeper! (And so is the ring ;O)
