Sunday, April 06, 2008

Four Treasuries Today....

4 Treasuries...

#1.  Oh Yeah!   Take a look at the curators etsy shop... WBEckertStudio... beautiful work...stunning...  and one of my favs from this treasury is "End of Season" by abhayah

#2 is "Dreadlocks" by curator beaderjojo. 
Now GO check out the artwork of micawber

#3 - "Skirting the Issue" by curator Cerifairie. 
I am particularly fond of Wildewear's skirt....(that converts to a dress)....

4.  "Spring Fever" curated by OceanRose
One of my favorite fiber artists is included in this treasury SkiingWeaver
and i LOVE "the brother of rubber" by sunfleur1


  1. Wow - four gorgeous treasuries! Congrats!! (Always tickled when I happen to end up in one with you.)

  2. And - oh my gosh, I just noticed the props you gave me! Thank you!! :) :)

  3. heh, i was ego surfing on google and saw you posted me. i love being in treasuries with you too. thank you!
