Friday, April 04, 2008

Art For Your Head "Ambrato"

Art For Your Head "Ambrato"

She is made from bits and pieces of fulled (felted) merino, alpaca, llama.... needle felted to achieve the 3 dimensional quality (the ridges and ruffles in the back)... I used an absolutely drop-dead gorgeous amber ("Ambrato"), honey, butterscotch, hand dyed merino as the accenting colour to the different shades of greys and browns.   The embellishment of the domed vintage wood button (very reminiscent of the contours of the hat itself) along with the handsewn Adventurine beads, makes for a wonderful focal point.  For more pics please see: 
and click on the pic.

Soon to be available at:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    With a play between a perception of what I'd call evening fire lit illumination and shadowy color (the gray), between chaos and order in construction, an addition of earthy accents, and what has got to be incredible texture...this has got to be one of your finest hats!

